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List view record 1: 100 school daysList view anchor tag for record 1: 100 school days
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100 school days

Frenkel, Deborah2024
Books, Manuscripts
When you start school, there are a lot of firsts. Your first friend! Your first excursion! Your first sports day! As the days go by, all those firsts add up ... and soon you've reached 100 days of school. And once you've reached this milestone, you know you can reach for absolutely anything. Cele...
List view record 2: 6 silly dinosaursList view anchor tag for record 2: 6 silly dinosaurs
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6 silly dinosaurs

Guillain, Adam2024
Books, Manuscripts
Count along with 6 silly dinosaurs in this rhyming picture book! It's time for count and seek - would you like to come and play? Let's count up all the dinosaurs and see who's here today! Count and spot the silly dinosaurs in this madcap, rhyming picture book. From T. rex magicians to dancing Dip...
List view record 3: Act of defianceList view anchor tag for record 3: Act of defiance
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Act of defiance

Andrews, Brian, 1973-2024
Books, Manuscripts
US intelligence says there's something going on in Russia. While their land forces have been decimated by corruption and incompetence, the Navy seems to be pouring money into some secret project. Analysts are stumped, until the knot is untangled by one particularly bright young woman at the Offic...
List view record 4: The adventures of invisible boyList view anchor tag for record 4: The adventures of invisible boy
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The adventures of invisible boy

Horner, Doogie2024
Books, Manuscripts
On his first day at a new school, Stanley wishes he could disappear. Then, after a big spill at the science fair, Poof! Stanley is invisible! It's awesome! He can do anything he wants, and no one will know! Except for one person - the inventor of the ruined project. And he plans to take his anger...
List view record 5: Agents of S.U.I.T., From badger to worseList view anchor tag for record 5: Agents of S.U.I.T., From badger to worse
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List view record 6: All foursList view anchor tag for record 6: All fours
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All fours

July, Miranda, 1974-2024
Books, Manuscripts
A semi-famous artist announces her plan to drive cross-country from LA to NY. Thirty minutes after leaving her husband and child at home, she spontaneously exits the freeway, beds down in a nondescript motel and immerses herself in a temporary reinvention that turns out to be the start of an enti...
List view record 7: All the colours of the darkList view anchor tag for record 7: All the colours of the dark
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All the colours of the dark

Whitaker, Chris2024
Books, Manuscripts
Late one summer, the town of Monta Clare is shattered by the abduction of local teenager Joseph 'Patch' Macauley. Nobody more so than Saint Brown, who is broken by her best friend's disappearance. Soon, she will eat, sleep, breathe, only to find him. But when she does: it will break her heart. Pa...
List view record 8: Almost a fishList view anchor tag for record 8: Almost a fish
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Almost a fish

Negri, Julianne2024
Books, Manuscripts
"Audrey may look a little different from the other creatures in the river, but that doesn't stop this curious and lovable amphibian from embarking on a quest to find out just who she is."--Back cover.
List view record 9: Ambush at SoratoList view anchor tag for record 9: Ambush at Sorato
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Ambush at Sorato

Flanagan, John, 1944-2024
Books, Manuscripts
Will and his apprentice, Maddie, are in Toscana to help with negotiations between the Toscans and the Arridi. When a scout brings word that their old enemies the Temujai are moving into Toscana, Will and Maddie leap into action, knowing that a Temujai advance is always bad news. To have any kind ...
List view record 10: AmmaList view anchor tag for record 10: Amma
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De Silva, Saraid2024
Books, Manuscripts
Singapore, 1951. When Josephina is a girl, her parents lock her in a room with the father of the boy to whom she's betrothed. What happens next will determine the lives of generations to come. New Zealand, 1984. Josephina and her family leave Sri Lanka for New Zealand. But their new home is not w...
List view record 11: Walking deadList view anchor tag for record 11: Walking dead
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Walking dead

Beavan, Paula J.2024
Books, Manuscripts
1842, Hunter Valley: Lucy Stewart's life turns chaotic when she finds herself caught up in a murder investigation in order to save her brother-in-law, Joe, from the hangman's noose. Constable Sam Donovan believes the accusations levelled at Joe Stewart are suspicious at best and feels compelled t...
List view record 12: AppreciationList view anchor tag for record 12: Appreciation
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Pieper, Liam2024
Books, Manuscripts
Everything in this world has a price. A great work of art is no exception. And what fortune was ever built without a little subterfuge? Oli Darling is a queer artist from the country - it says so right at the top of every press release. His art has brought him fame, money, fashionable substance a...
List view record 13: The apprentice witnesserList view anchor tag for record 13: The apprentice witnesser
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The apprentice witnesser

MacDibble, Bren2024
Books, Manuscripts
Bastienne Scull is a young orphan who lives with the local Witnesser of Miracles, Lodyma Darsey, who investigates 'miraculous events' and spins them into stories she tells at the night markets. After Lodyma's husband and elder son died of a sickness that continues to sweep the land, she sent her ...
List view record 14: The ashes & the star-cursed kingList view anchor tag for record 14: The ashes & the star-cursed king
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The ashes & the star-cursed king

Broadbent, Carissa2024
Books, Manuscripts
"In the wake of the Kejari, everything Oraya once thought to be true has been destroyed. A prisoner in her own kingdom, grieving the only family she ever had, and reeling from a gutting betrayal, she no longer even knows the truth of her own blood. She's left only with one certainty: she cannot t...
List view record 15: AstrochimpList view anchor tag for record 15: Astrochimp
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Walliams, David, 1971-2024
Books, Manuscripts
Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would: make rude noises from both ends...; pick his nose with his little toe...; eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside. NASA's scientists thought he'd be the perfect chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had b...
List view record 16: Athletics : Josie's storyList view anchor tag for record 16: Athletics : Josie's story
List view record 17: The au pair affair : a novelList view anchor tag for record 17: The au pair affair : a novel
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The au pair affair : a novel

Bailey, Tessa2024
Books, Manuscripts
"Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She's also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighbourhood...
List view record 18: August and everything afterList view anchor tag for record 18: August and everything after
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August and everything after

Doktorski, Jennifer Salvato2024
Books, Manuscripts
Graduation can't come soon enough. Desperate for a fresh start, Quinn is eager to escape to her aunt's house on the New Jersey shore for the summer...away from teenage drama and having to answer everyone's questions about "what comes next" after high school. Quinn can't bear to focus on the futur...
List view record 19: Baby does tooList view anchor tag for record 19: Baby does too
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List view record 20: Bad dream : a Dreamer storyList view anchor tag for record 20: Bad dream : a Dreamer story
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Bad dream : a Dreamer story

Maines, Nicole, 1997-2024
Books, Manuscripts
"Nia's spent her whole life taking a back seat to her older sister, Maeve, who's expected to inherit their mother's Seer powers: the ability to see the future through dreams, passed down to one woman in each generation. But when Nia, a trans girl, starts having visions of the future, she must sup...
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